Robert bMocny/b, director of the US-Visit program, admitted the move would be ?unpopular? with carriers, which might feel they are taking on the work of DHS. bMocny/b said,. Airlines don't want to take on extra costs but we will expect them to b.../b on the amount of time foreign visitors will need to be processed at the border before leaving the U.S. I believe that significant delays will cause foreign travelers to bvacation/b elsewhere, which could seriously damage our economy. b.../b
je spet ponovil ženski glas. Močna svetloba mi je prekrila oči, da nisem nič več videl. Pretegnil sem se, vstal iz postelje in odšel po stopnicah navzdol. Zajtrk me je že čakal. Mama vedno naredi najboljšo omleto.